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Today’s Task

Today’s Task – October 17, 2011

The premise of most self-help books is that anyone can achieve anything. The part that many readers miss is the if factor; if you believe you are capable of doing the work necessary to go after the life you want. If you believe you are worth it. Learning to believe in yourself is the most important step you will ever take toward reaching your potential. These books can give you a step-by-step action plan to success but if you lack the self-esteem to follow it, then it doesn’t matter…you will still be lost.

Low self-esteem is the poison that erodes the connection between your actions and your intentions. It causes people to feel unworthy and as a result, they shy away from life rather than engaging in it. Even when they manage to overcome a setback or reach a goal, they feel they don’t deserve the rewards so they sabotage their success. Sadly, each day I look into the eyes of young people who believe they are not worthy. (Notice I didn’t say not capable!) They believe they are not smart enough, athletic enough or talented enough. They are too short or too tall; too fat or too thin. There are girls who think they are not pretty enough and guys who think they are not tough enough. I truly believe these kids can be anything they want to be, yet it doesn’t matter what I believe…only what they believe. I must teach them about the if factor; that life is full of wonderful opportunities if they believe in themselves enough to pursue them.

Today no every day, I encourage you to consider your own self-esteem. Do you work hard at something and then stop short of completion because you are afraid you will be unable to maintain it? Do you feel you are not smart enough, good enough or pretty enough? The good news is that you ARE capable of achieving greatness if you are willing to make the connection between your actions and your intentions.

Have a great day!

Mr R

www.todaynoeveryday.com or on Facebook @ Today No Every Day

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